
fredag 18 september 2009

The Democratic Party

Joe Scarborough Called Out Gov. Pawlenty on "Death Panels": "You Don’t Believe It...Do You?”
Gov. Pawlenty made an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, where he was challenged about claims that health reform would lead to death panels and would “pull the plug on granny."

Gov. Pawlenty said, “... there’s concerns that this thing is going to be so expensive they’re not going to be able to afford all that’s promised, and somebody’s going to have to make a decision to cut back, and people are concerned that if the federal government does that—have them rationing care, that’s a real problem. And so those are not irrational concerns ...”
Then the following exchange occurred:
MR. SCARBOROUGH: But, there are no death panels here, though. Counseling is one thing. Having three people lining up and saying "Granny dies, Grandpa lives," that's quite another. You can't get there from here.
GOV. PAWLENTY: Well what happens--Joe, what you call it or label it, but I think the facts are these: if you have a system like the United Kingdom where...
MR. SCARBOROUGH: But we don't. We don't, Governor. With all due respect, this does not give us a system like the United Kingdom. I'm talking specifically about this bill. How does this bill get us to "death panels?" You don't believe it does, do you? [MSNBC Morning Joe, 9/11/09]

Av: Martin Lindgren

Google blir boktryckare

Google startar samarbete med On Demand Books, som säljer miniboktryckerier.

Sökjätten ska låta användare välja bland 2 miljoner titlar och själva trycka böcker för en handfull dollar.



Av: Shora Esmailian

Irans ledning desperat

Splittringen i den iranska regimen växer sig allt större efter valet

Drygt tre månader efter det iranska presidentvalet växer klyftan i den islamiska republiken. Trots att den hårda repressionen tillfälligt har fått stopp på gatuprotesterna så fortsätter oppositionsledarna att uppmana det iranska folket till protester mot valfusket. Ny kraftmätning väntas på fredag i samband med Jerusalemdagen. 

Brave New Foundation