We Can Afford Reform, We Can´t Afford the Status Quo
Jared Bernstein, Chief Economist for the Vice President and Executive Director of the Middle Class Task Force, debunks the myth that we can’t afford health insurance reform. To the contrary, not only has the President demanded that reform not add to the deficit in the short term, but reform is the only way to get skyrocketing health care costs under control that will be devastating not for families , businesses, and for government deficits in the long term under the status quo.
måndag 24 augusti 2009
Röda Malmö En blogg med underifrånperspektiv

Jakten på en hel ungdomsgeneration
Jakten på en hel ungdomsgeneration fortsätter, trots Reinfeldts vallöften om motsatsen, och musikbranschen visar ytterligare en gång att man hellre satsar på repression än på att utveckla bra lösningar.
Av: Nisha Besara Chefredaktör Dagens Arena

Var är självinsikten?
Självinsikt är inte Fredrik Reinfeldts starkaste sida. När han höll sitt årliga sommartal i helgen pratade han om beteendet som ledde till en global kris: att låna och spendera för mer man har råd med. För att i nästa andetag lansera sänkta inkomstskatter redan från årsskiftet. Detta blir Moderaternas viktigaste fråga i alliansens budgetförhandlingar.
The Hostage Dream
Loving Oneself at the Expense of Another
“As a man in a dream who fails to lay hands upon another whom he is pursuing- the one cannot escape nor the other overtake.” (Homer’s Iliad, XX11.)http://www.counterpunch.com/atzmon08212009.html
By Neve Gordon
Boycott Israel
An Israeli comes to the painful conclusion that it's the only way to save his country.
Israeli newspapers this summer are filled with angry articles about the push for an international boycott of Israel. Films have been withdrawn from Israeli film festivals, Leonard Cohen is under fire around the world for his decision to perform in Tel Aviv, and Oxfam has severed ties with a celebrity spokesperson, a British actress who also endorses cosmetics produced in the occupied territories. Clearly, the campaign to use the kind of tactics that helped put an end to the practice of apartheid in South Africa is gaining many followers around the world.http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-gordon20-2009aug20,0,1126906.story
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