
onsdag 19 november 2008

Reinfeldts lyhördhet betalar inga hyror

- Jag kan försäkra er att de estländska arbetarna står på er sida. Vi accepterar inte heller att löntagare i olika länder ställs mot varandra. Vi vill göra helt klart att så har vi tyckt hela tiden sedan EG-domstolens Lavaldom.

Det sa Harri Taliga, ordförande i estländska LO när han talade på LOs manifestation mot regeringen. Harri Taliga var först ut att tala inför de närmare 800 demonstranter som sent på tisdagseftermiddagen samlades på Mynttorget i Stockholm för att protestera mot regeringens politik.

- Estländska löntagare vill ha samma villkor när man arbetar i Sverige som andra, tro inget annat. Det är konservativa regeringar som tycker annorlunda, de driver en politik för social dumping, sa Harri Taliga som menade att högerregeringarna sätter den fria marknaden före de fackliga rättigheterna och kollektivavtalen.

- Jag vet att högerregeringen i Sverige försämrat a-kassan och skurit ned på arbetsmarknadsutbildningarna. Det är obegripligt med tanke på den kraftiga nedgången i ekonomin.

Taliga manade till fortsatt gemensam kamp för löntagarnas rättigheter.

- Vi stödjer era krav på ett socialt Europa. Solidariteten är central för alla löntagare!

60 Minutes, 11.16.08

Steve Kroft speaks with President-elect Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, about his historic election victory, his personal transition, and his family; And, Andy Rooney salutes the art of print journalism.

Watch CBS Videos Online

Pensionerna och den personliga prestigen

Är de fem partierna bakom pensionsuppgörelsen beredda att gå till val 2010 på att pensionerna inte räknas upp eller minskar? Den viktiga frågan ställer den förre finansministern Erik Åsbrink i en artikel igår på DN Debatt.

The Golden State, not so golden

After the Fall

Contrary to anti-social, right wing propaganda, "sub-prime" loans were not made to help poor people get their first homes.

They were created to help new home builders, especially in states like California, Nevada, and Florida, sell out their new home inventory at super-inflated prices.

Home buyers were told by the Fed the Fox every idiot financial reporter on TV...that the loans they were taking out were a "good deal."

The loans were very simple:

Very little down, very low payments and then, a few years out - when theoretically the property would be worth much more - the monthly payments would rise dramatically.

The idea was that long before then the home buyer would have sold out at a handsome profit and moved onto their next home.

Free enterprise at work.

It's easy to call these people foolish, but what they really are are the victims of a scam.

The home builders got paid lavish premiums for their inventory...real estate companies and loan brokers got rich from these sales...the Wall Street banks that packaged these scam loans and sold them throughout the world made hundreds of billions of dollars...and the psychopathic Bush administration got to fund its wars without raising taxes based on the illusion that the economy was good and could afford it.

Now the chickens are coming home to roost.

This is EXACTLY the same scam that Bush Sr. ran in the 1980s using the Savings and Loans real estate fraud bubble to pay for the Contra war and God only knows how many billions he and his fellow crooks siphoned off on the side.

Bush Sr. even had the same Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan running the central bank.

The only difference is this disaster is 100 (1000x) larger.