söndag 12 oktober 2008
Det finns en gömd finansbubbla i Sverige. ETC kan avslöja att den svenska basindustrins vinster till stor del kommer från spekulation. ”Slutsatsen är skrämmande. Det är fullt möjligt att vi står inför en kris där de stora ”trygga” industriföretagen börjar vackla, inte på grund av en sämre marknad eller dålig produktivitet, utan på grund av misslyckad spekulation”, skriver Johan Ehrenberg och Sten Ljunggren.
Bush's Iraq Madness
helped destroy
the US financial system
Another Bush adminstration accomplishment
Joseph Stiglitz won the Noble Prize and he was president of the World Bank.
He has two simple messages:
1. The Iraq War will cost the US $3 TRILLION (minimum)
2. The war is one of the chief causes behind the destruction of the US (and the world's) banking system.
This interview was recorded back in April, long before the seriousness of the banking problems were apparent and long before the multi-trillion dollar bailouts.
helped destroy
the US financial system
Another Bush adminstration accomplishment
Joseph Stiglitz won the Noble Prize and he was president of the World Bank.
He has two simple messages:
1. The Iraq War will cost the US $3 TRILLION (minimum)
2. The war is one of the chief causes behind the destruction of the US (and the world's) banking system.
This interview was recorded back in April, long before the seriousness of the banking problems were apparent and long before the multi-trillion dollar bailouts.
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