
onsdag 5 augusti 2009

Support Clemency for Troy Davis

Online Action Center

Support Clemency for Troy Davis

Troy Davis faces execution for the murder of Police Officer Mark MacPhail in Georgia, despite a strong claim of innocence. 7 out of 9 witnesses have recanted or contradicted their testimony, no murder weapon was found and no physical evidence links Davis to the crime. The Georgia Board of Pardon and Paroles has voted to deny clemency, yet Governor Perdue can still exercise leadership to ensure that his death sentence is commuted. Please urge him to demonstrate respect for fairness and justice by supporting clemency for Troy Davis.
Latest case update and more about Troy Davis

Aung San Suu Kyi

Aung San Suu Kyi receives the "Ambassador of Conscience" award

Amnesty International awarded its most prestigious honor, the Ambassador of Conscience Award, for 2009 to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, currently under house arrest and on trial in Myanmar.

U2's Bono announced the award during a break in the band's performance Monday night in Dublin, just prior to performing Walk On, their tribute to her heroic campaign for freedom and justice.

Suu Kyi – who has spent 13 of the last 20 years under house arrest – has remained a symbol of hope, courage and the undying defense of human rights, not only to the people of Myanmar but to people around the world.

As her trial draws to an end, the Nobel Laureate faces a possible sentence of 5 years in Myanmar's notorious Insein Prison, which some have referred to as the "darkest hell-hole in Burma." Amnesty and its supporters have stood by Aung San Suu Kyi for two decades, and pledge to stand by her for as long as it takes!

» Support Aung San Suu Kyi
» Become a Partner of Conscience and help sustain Amnesty's long-term commitment to prisoners of conscience

Skrivet av Lennart on August 4, 2009

Hillary Clintons State Department mot Carl Bildts UD, 6-0 på Web 2.0-fronten

Klicka på bilden.

Regeringen Reinfeldt ligger, konstigt nog, mycket långt efter när det gäller att anamma den senaste Web 2.0-teknologin. Man verkar i det närmaste vara helt ointresserade, i alla fall i jämförelse med Obama-regeringen.

USA:s State Department har en oerhört innovativ webbsajter som använder alla de senaste sociala webb-teknologierna.

Av: Nisha Besara Chefredaktör Dagens Arena

Jämlikhet eller likhet?

Idéer om restriktivitet och tester för att få medborgarskap sprider sig som en löpeld bland Europas regeringar. Nu senast har den brittiske migrationsministern Phil Woolas lanserat ett förslag om att nyanlända ska testas i både språk och i "brittiskhet".

Sommar i P1 med Jerry Williams

Sommar 2009-08-05 med Jerry Williams

Sommar BONUS Jerry Williams