torsdag 31 juli 2008
The history of the weapons of mass destruction fraud
How did Scott Ritter know?
Many people know that Scott Ritter, former Marine Corps major and former UN weapons inspector publicly disputed the Bush Administration's claim that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
Few ask the question: How did Ritter know?
When you answer that question, you'll discover that the intention to attack and occupy Iraq on false pretenses spanned two administrations and both parties.
måndag 28 juli 2008
Why is America so crazy?
You're only as sane
as the information you receive
The US has - hands down - the most propagandized population in the world.
Even people in North Korea have a firmer grasp of reality.
Why is this so?
It's the news media. They've mastered the art of reporting nothing and making it seem like it's something.
They're also very creative and convincing first class liars. Kind of like Bush Republicans.
What's the solution?
Scott Ritter has an answer and thanks to the Internet, more and more people in the US are breaking free of the info-lock.
söndag 27 juli 2008
Av: Jonas Fogelqvist
Mer om ”Richistan” - ARBETAREN
Det skrivs alldeles för lite om de rikas liv.
Detta slog mig senast när jag läste Aftonbladets rapportering från tennisveckan i Båstad, från champagnefesterna, VIP-rummen och B-kändisarnas eget lilla sommarparty.
Mer sådant!
Det är inte mycket som är viktigare än att berätta om hur klyftorna ökar i samhället. Men hur gör man det bäst? Det är klart att vi måste berätta om dem som får sämre a-kassa, blir utförsäkrade och som bränner ut sig för 18000 i månaden. Visst måste vi det. Men jag tror också att fler reportage om vart pengarna tar vägen, och inte minst hur de används, kan göra gott.
torsdag 24 juli 2008
onsdag 23 juli 2008
Pharmaceutical company ethics
the FDA and Congress
"Consistent with regulations"
Bayer knowingly sold contaminated medicine.
This is the level of protection you can inspect from the FDA, the Congress, and the White House.
Another story that came and went and never stuck.
tisdag 22 juli 2008
Vaccines and Autism
Mercury in vaccines causes autism
Children of the current generation receive 24 mandatory vaccinations. A generation ago, only 10 were required.
Through vaccinations, children receive 400x the amount of mercury deemed safe by the FDA.
The Hep B routinely given to newborns contains so much mercury preservative that it would normally only be considered safe under standard medical guidelines to give to a 275 pound adult.
Why is this going on?
Politics and corruption.
In the White House, in Congress, in the FDA, in the medical establishment and in the pharmaceutical industry.
Simple guidelines:
1. Never bring your child to be immunized if he or she is already ill
2. Do not allow the doctor to load your child up on multiple immunizations on a single visit just because it is more convenient for him, the doctor.
3. Avoid all unnecessary vaccinations. Make the doctor explain to you in detail the justification for every single one she recommends. They research it before you go ahead.
4. If you feel you must comply, delay them as long as possible to give your child time to grow
söndag 20 juli 2008
Take off those yellow ribbons
A combat veteran speaks
Yellow ribbons.
They're everywhere.
And they mean nothing.
Good, goose-stepping Americans put them on their cars to "support the troops."
How about supporting the troops by making sure they're not sent to die in illegal, ill-conceived wars waged by lying psychopaths?
If you're going to put a ribbon on your car, how about a black one to show that you mourn those killed and injured, you oppose the war, and you oppose having our military hijacked by a gang of treasonous thieves.
lördag 19 juli 2008
Vaksamhet, övervakning, brott och straff
Terrorism against women working in Iraq
Brought to you by Halliburton/KBR
and the US government
Why is Halliburton/KBR being protected? Who is protecting them and how?
Why are they being allowed to run an obviously criminal enterprise is broad daylight?
Clearly the Bush administration couldn't care less, but what about Congress?
fredag 18 juli 2008
Stop the attack on Iran
George Galloway lays it out
for a propaganda-addled Brit
Many people seem not to realize how close the US and the UK are to attacking Iran.
Another group who are vaguely aware of the potential seems to think it would be a good idea.
Is the world really that addled?
George Galloway goes a good job of laying out the reality of what the latest malevolent plan by the Bush administration will mean for the world.
torsdag 17 juli 2008
Biological warfare against US troops
Brought to you
by the Bush administration
This is how George Bush and Dick Cheney support the troops. And you can thank Congress for it too while you're at it.
Simple biological warfare - poisoning the troops' water supply - is the most cost effective way of neutralizing the effectiveness of an armed force.
The problem is how do you get to the supply?
In Iraq, that's no problem.
Bush and company have brought in private contractors to provide the water supply to troops and the private contractor, Halliburton, Dick Cheney's former employer, has deemed it unnecessary to provide uncontaminated water to US troops serving in Iraq.
Take the money? Sure. The actual safety of the water? Not our concern.
Neither the flag-waving rabble-rousers of the Bush administration nor the gutless, venal cowards in Congress seem to care about the problem.
Too busy gearing up for the attack on Iran I guess.
tisdag 15 juli 2008
Be Careful What You Say
Beskrivning: Just a hint : before you export democracy, try having it at home ! You’re not stupid, they just talk to you that way !
Blackwater: A Primer
The Republicans have their
own private army
Whether they win in 2008 or not, the Republican Party has used the last eight years and billions of dollars of tax dollars to build their own private army.
This video is a quick summary of the details and their significance.
måndag 14 juli 2008
What an attack on Iran will look like
Bush continues to push for an attack on Iran.
He is goaded by the Israeli War Lobby, the "religious" right, and other assorted domestic fascists and lunatics.
Iran is not Iraq.
Iran is a bigger country, a better armed country and a much more socially cohesive country than Iraq ever was - or could be.
Iran is PERSIA, a society with thousands of years behind it. Iraq was a glued together set of random kingdoms.
Iran is a country that has the ability to fight back and fight back massively.
As in Iraq, the weapons of mass destruction claim is a total fraud - and yet to war we go.
McCain is all for it. He can't wait. Obama is being artfully vague about his intentions.
And then there's Bush and Cheney. They still have nearly six months left to put the final bullet in the back of America's head before they go.
Eight years ago, who could have ever imagined this insanity?
söndag 13 juli 2008
Ekonomisk politik med ideologisk stämpel kringgår demokratin

Utgiftstak, krav på att den icke-existerande statsskulden ska lösas, en oberoende centralbank – allt detta är beståndsdelar i så kallad normpolitik. Där makt flyttas bort från folkvalda politiker, konstaterar bland andra C H Hermansson.
"Sveriges grundlag vilar på vad som kallas folksuveränitetsprincipen. Den av folket valda riksdagen är statens högsta organ. Därför har Riksbanken av gammalt varit riksdagens bank – ett sätt att utöva kontroll över den inför riksdagen ansvariga regeringen.
Nu lämnas styrräntorna i händerna på en godtyckligt sammansatt liten grupp av personer i Riksbankens ledning – helt i motsats till Regeringsformens anda och bokstav."
The Patriot Act is Bullshit
Getting real
How the Patriot Act was rammed down our throats and why it's a disaster for the country.
Penn and Teller, two US comedians, lay it out.
P & T; BS! - B1G BR0THER
lördag 12 juli 2008
Av: Maria-Pia Boëthius
Vi kan inte låta oss styras av en ideologi där sanningen i alla lägen är kontraproduktiv mot vinsten, skriver Maria-Pia Boëthius. Tokkapitalismen har spelat ut sin roll. Ändå fortsätter alliansregeringen med privatiseringar och avregleringar.
fredag 11 juli 2008
Governed by Fraud and Delusion
is destroying America
Craig Unger on the Christian Right
The Israeli War Party, the Saudi Arabian Royal Family, the "Christian" Right...
These are the forces that run the White House's foreign policy.
The "Christian" Right operates in much the same way as the Brown Shirts of the Nazi era.
Militantly ignorant, blindly obedient and ready to spout hatred at the drop of a hat, they've been harnessed on a mass scale in the U.S. and rank as one of the greatest threats to the country's future.
Av: Björn Gunnarsson
torsdag 10 juli 2008
onsdag 9 juli 2008
tisdag 8 juli 2008
The George Bush Joke
The pot calling the kettle black
Apparently, George Bush is indignant over Robert Mugabe's recent election fraud in Zimbabwe.
Is this some kind of a sick joke?
The US news media is running video that documents some of the fraud in Zimbabwe.
How about running some about election fraud in the US?
Eight years of George Bush and his criminal enterprise and he won neither the 2000 nor the 2004 election.
This video comes from a recent election held in New Hampshire, but similar chicanery takes place in every state in the union.
lördag 5 juli 2008
Av: Amanda Kato
Från: ![]() ![]() | Skickat: 2008-07-05 16:39 |
Also listed in: 10 groups |
Everything I am about to write is a true story about the 4th of July this weekend and
for each member who supports war to think about.
My profile shows that I am a wife of a combat VN vet who never does very well on
the 4th probably more than any other holiday. He will pretty much stay in our bedroom
and read, mostly the bible. We always go to see the fireworks however, for the kids.
The bombs bursting in air? This year was a little different. My husband will almost cry when he
hears the loud bomb like thunderous explostions in the sky, but he holds the hand of our little
and points to the sky. This year it was our little 3 year old that we are raising that put her
hands over her ears and said, "I don't like it Mom." It's too loud. I'm afraid. She has been going
to the fireworks show since she was born but this year, getting out of the baby baby stage, She
actually listens to sounds and observes the sights in life.
We discovered she didn't like it. At all.
She said, " i don't like it. I don't like it. It makes me afraid. We brought her home and was
getting her ready for bed, she clung to me as a few firecrackers were still going off next
doot that sounded like gunshots. I mind wandered to the Middle East and every war we have
fought. I thought, My goodness, the children. Those precious children.
I thought of Shock and Awe and how the babies, the toddlers had no idea of the thunderous
sounds and the lights that lit up the sky. Only there was real danger. Those were not replicas
of bombs bursting in air, those were real bombs. As she clung to me tighter I sat her in my lap
and rocked her gently. I closed my eyes and sung a lullaby as she drifted off to sleep, making
a promise to her, if she didn't like that loud noise, we wouldn't go see any more fireworks till
she wanted to. I kept rocking and she laid silently to my breast. I heard my husband strumming
his guitar from the other room. It was a hymnal. I then thought of the soldier from past to
present. I thought of the pain the solider endures on return from war scarred forever with
startle reaction and PTSD. I thought of the thorn in their head they live with and especially
the reminder of destruction with bombs bursting in air and then looking over at the children
thinking.....we must leave war behind. I thought of the Iraqi Mother who could not tell her
child, there would be no more explosions in the air. I thought of the soldier who will become a veteran and cannot
hide from the horrors of the war and it will torment him or her throughtout
their lives. I thought of the argument of We have to fight there to keep from fighting here.
Does that make it right? No. Those children of Iraq are scarred for life. Those veterans
are scarred for life. Those veterans who have been diagnosed with PTSD will never again
enjoy but endure a fireworks show, and the children if they survive will be happy to hear
as our little three year old granddaughter said, "Peace and Quite". No thunder booms in the air.
War is a such a waste and I thought of the bible verse, What does it profit a man if he
gain the world and lose his soul?
No more War.
fredag 4 juli 2008
Who stands up for real American values?
Spoken before the US invaded Iraq
"We can call ouselves Americans. We can fly the American flag, but unless we stand up and defend the values that define us as Americans, we will cease being Americans."
Scott Ritter gave this talk before the US invaded Iraq. As a former US Marine Corps officer, UN weapons inspector and expert on the armaments of Iraq, he very publicly disputed the Bush adminstration's claim that Iraq was a threat to the US.
Now the US is on the same path with regards to war against Iran.
Learn what you can do to help stop another illegal, immoral,and reckless use of US power in the world. Get and Scott's book "Waging Peace."
Av: Oscar Schön
Av: Johan Ehrenberg
torsdag 3 juli 2008
Av: Håkan A Bengtsson
Av: Anna-Klara Bratt
Fuel from algae
There are some things missing from this story like what does a gallon of fuel cost made from this method cost.
Also, one quarter of "the one quarter of the state of New Mexico" referred to is about 30,000 square miles.
On the other hand, assuming that this method really works, it's an infinitely better solution that turning corn or other food crops into fuel.
onsdag 2 juli 2008
Provoking Iran into war
Stumbling towards disaster - again
Bush asked for - and received - $400,000,000 to conduct covert military operation against Iran.
A quote from the recent Sy Hersch article in the New Yorker
"Operations outside the knowledge and control of commanders have eroded “the coherence of military strategy,” one general says."
Further, it seems the only people in the government (or military) who favor an attack on Iran are Bush and Cheney:
"A Democratic senator told me that, late last year, in an off-the-record lunch meeting, Secretary of Defense Gates met with the Democratic caucus in the Senate. (Such meetings are held regularly.) Gates warned of the consequences if the Bush Administration staged a preëmptive strike on Iran, saying, as the senator recalled, “We’ll create generations of jihadists, and our grandchildren will be battling our enemies here in America.” Gates’s comments stunned the Democrats at the lunch, and another senator asked whether Gates was speaking for Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney. Gates’s answer, the senator told me, was “Let’s just say that I’m here speaking for myself.” (A spokesman for Gates confirmed that he discussed the consequences of a strike at the meeting, but would not address what he said, other than to dispute the senator’s characterization.)
The Joint Chiefs of Staff, whose chairman is Admiral Mike Mullen, were “pushing back very hard” against White House pressure to undertake a military strike against Iran, the person familiar with the Finding told me. Similarly, a Pentagon consultant who is involved in the war on terror said that “at least ten senior flag and general officers, including combatant commanders”—the four-star officers who direct military operations around the world—“have weighed in on that issue.”