torsdag 24 april 2008
onsdag 23 april 2008
Bill Hicks
It Seemed So Plausible
tisdag 22 april 2008
söndag 20 april 2008
The world, the brain
What it's like to have a stroke
As it happened -- as she felt her brain functions slip away one by one, speech, movement, understanding -- she studied and remembered every moment. This is a powerful story about how our brains define us and connect us to the world and to one another.
lördag 19 april 2008
torsdag 17 april 2008
onsdag 16 april 2008
söndag 13 april 2008
Globaliseringen har visat sig betyda att när ett land vacklar drar det resten av världen med sig i fallet. Hur ska högern hantera sin besvikelse, genom att låtsas som om inget har hänt? skriver MARIA-PIA BOËTHIUS.
fredag 11 april 2008
onsdag 9 april 2008
torsdag 3 april 2008
Real alternative energy
War, energy, veterans and bio-diesel
"Who ever controls energy
controls the people who need the energy"
Is there an alternative to petroleum?
Here's one possibility: Bio-diesel.
The raw material - used cooking grease - is currently being wasted.
BioLiberty.Net, a group of Gulf War veterans, is developing a production system that converts grease to a fuel.
One of the uses of the fuel is to help clear the lots of poor, elderly and handicapped land owners in New Orleans who are unable to clear them themselves and are having their land seized by the city under the new "Good Neighbor" Law.
More news from New Orleans:
controls the people who need the energy"
Is there an alternative to petroleum?
Here's one possibility: Bio-diesel.
The raw material - used cooking grease - is currently being wasted.
BioLiberty.Net, a group of Gulf War veterans, is developing a production system that converts grease to a fuel.
One of the uses of the fuel is to help clear the lots of poor, elderly and handicapped land owners in New Orleans who are unable to clear them themselves and are having their land seized by the city under the new "Good Neighbor" Law.
More news from New Orleans:
onsdag 2 april 2008
Vad händer i Ryssland – politiskt, ekonomiskt och kulturellt?
DATUM: 2008-03-12
– Ryssland är annorlunda. Bilden vi förmedlas av landet är ensidig. Den präglas av vissa attityder och amerikanska analyser. Betydande nyanseringar behöver göras av situationen i Ryssland. Med de orden inledde Örjan Berner, Sveriges Moskvaambassadör från 1989 och några år framåt det sjunde och sista seminariet i ABF Stockholms och Palmecentrets serie om de stora länderna i Europa i en knökfull möteslokal. Seminariet ägde rum åtta dagar efter Dmitrij Medvedev överlägset valts till ny rysk president.
tisdag 1 april 2008
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